Ready to rebalance the power dynamic on your board? Discover your Communication Advantage so you are seen, heard, and taken seriously as a leader.

What's Your Captivating Communication Advantage?

Women Nonprofit Leaders...

"Elizabeth is caring, empathetic and insightful.  She has been an excellent coach for me. I've been able to reach the life balance I was seeking, and I feel confident that I will be able to sustain that balance as I address a number of near-term challenges."

DebrA Laurel, Maryland

Spaghetti is great for dinner but not for walls…or your nonprofit

The hardest part of your role should be fundraising and fulfilling your mission. But the truth is, without a supportive, engaged board, you may feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall.

I help women nonprofit leaders build productive dialogue with their boards, so they can navigate challenges and manage conflicts while growing their nonprofits.

If you're struggling with board conflict or difficult personalities, I can help you build a board culture that is engaged and supportive, so you can go from board members who...

Undervalue your opinion

Take you seriously as a leader

Constantly try to micromanage

Trust in your ability to lead

Monopolize discussions

Look to you for guidance

Hi I'm Elizabeth - I help women-nonprofit leaders speak up and show up with confidence

I’m a Leadership Coach with 12+ years serving nonprofits, lover of dark chocolate and a healthy, high-functioning board.

And I also know what it’s like to be in your position. You want to change the world but some days you’re so busy, you barely have time to change your socks...

You have the ability and the commitment it takes to drive change. But if board challenges, conflicts or personality clashes are compromising your progress, it’s time to shift your board’s culture and rebalance the power dynamic.

Starting out as an executive director, I needed someone to say..."This is your roadmap." Because being a nonprofit leader is hard.

Like you, I've grappled with the questions that keep every nonprofit leader awake at night...

How do I get my board to work with me and not against me when they’re micromanaging?

How can I raise more money and find time for this important mission when we’re so busy fire-fighting and reacting?

How can I get my ideas heard and take back command as a leader?

Speak up, show up, and lead confidently
in service of your mission.

Most people think the hardest part of a nonprofit leader's job is fundraising. But the truth is, board challenges and conflicts absorb much of their time and mental energy.

When you’re leading from inside the conflict, it’s almost impossible to untangle these complicated issues on your own.

That’s why I offer an 8-week Deep Dive and a 30-day VIP Intensive -- both one-on-one programs -- tailored to your specific board or team challenge and designed to give you the confidence and strategy you need to build your impact as a leader.

Using the Leadership Impact Method as a framework, together, we’ll identify the core of the problem(s) and create a solid plan to move through conflict and into solution, all in a safe, nurturing container with a certified coach who has been in your shoes before.

An 8-Week
Deep Dive

Let's build your leadership impact

The 8-week deep dive is designed to help you transform the culture on your board. Using The Leadership Impact Method as a framework, it gives you the tools and strategies to address specific board challenges, resolve interpersonal conflicts, and solidify your impact and influence as a leader.

a step-by-step process to build
your impact and influence

Tools to identify
communications types

strategies to show up and be taken seriously as a leader

A 30-Day VIP

Let's Strategize...

 The Intensive includes a full day one-on-one to strategize a specific challenge, upcoming conversation or meeting, followed by 30 days of  real-time laser coaching and email support while you implement the plan so you have the support you need when you need it. This step-by-step process will give you the tools and strategies to:

Confidently communicate your ideas and opinions

role play and prepare for a hard conversation

Manage difficult personalities with ease

How does this sound?

here's what's possible:


Build a board culture that prioritizes collaboration and engagement.


Learn a step-by-step framework to master hard conversations with


Navigate conflict with clarity and confidence despite difficult personalities.


Transform a dysfunctional board into a supportive and effective partnership.


Rebalance the power dynamic so you are taken seriously as a leader.

Free Board Connection Strategy Session

You Need a more collaborative, supportive board

You want to manage conflict with confidece and ease

YOu're tired of managing difficult personalities

You've started to dread board meetings



 how to do it.
Because your greatest challenge should be growing your mission–not wrangling with your board over

"Elizabeth is an excellent coach who helped me in several areas of my work life. She is warm, open, encouraging and non-judgmental, and her process gave me the framework and confidence to have some really hard conversations I had been putting off until now."

Malminder, London

Let's shift the culture of your board and rebalance the power dynamic so you can grow your mission and deepen your impact.

We are a perfect match if...

You're a nonprofit leader in a small to midsize organization and you love your mission, but are starting to dread going to work.

You’re driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a difference so you can stop working but you can’t stop caring. 

You crave meaningful work that creates a positive change and you believe it's possible to bridge the growing disconnect between you and your board.

You’re tired of pretzeling yourself to get your voice heard and you’re looking for a concrete strategy that honors your boundaries and moves the needle.


It’s never too late
to rewrite your
your leadership
or reignite your


"Elizabeth’s coaching was the foundation of my progress. It gave me the opportunity, the platform and the space to look at myself in a way I had never thought (or even known) to look before. Her framework, tools, and support were paramount because they bolstered my belief in my own ability to resolve a work conflict that I was never able to until this point."

Lexington, Kentucky